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SET is a Social Engineering Toolkit. This tool allows us to clone a popular website, applying the method of impersonation, which is one of the many methods of Social Engineering. Social Engineering itself is the act of exploiting human vulnerabilities in order to obtain sensitive information. Hence, through the act of impersonating a popular website, it is possible to extract sensitive information from people who are gullible.
To start, type: $ sudo setoolkit
Choose option 1, Social-Engineering Attacks
Choose option 2, Website Attack Vectors
Choose option 3, Credential Harvester Attack Method
Choose option 2, Site Cloner
Enter your IP and then the URL of the website you are cloning. In this example, we are cloning
If you go to the browser, and then enter the IP that we entered to the SET, the website will be cloned. Any information entered on the cloned website’s field will be displayed on the command line as shown below.